I can honestly say I'm head-over-heels in love for the first time in a very long time. Things have fallen into place, no where near what I had in mind, but better. I am in the process of officially moving in with the boyfriend and I've decided to let go of all these fears I have and just enjoy it. You can't beat falling asleep in the arms of someone who loves you, and waking up to their kisses every morning. So we have a shitty history, who doesn't, right? It's time to embrace the good for how good it is, and start letting go of the bad. So I'm giving him the power to hurt me... and its scary..... but the high of falling more in love every time I see him is better than the emotional fence I tend to put around myself when shit gets too real. We are moving to Korea together, we are starting a new chapter together, and I'm ecstatic. I'm not perfect (by a long shot) and neither is he, but he gives me butterflies so I'm just gonna run with it. There, it's all out in the open now. I'm in love and all the mushy gushy things that go along with it. Woo.
Now, on not such a happy note I still loathe my job. I was starting to warm up to it, but yeah, I'm over it once again. I'm going back to my old work (the school I taught at) tomorrow and I'm so afraid to see what I'm missing out on this year. Yeah, Korea is great but I'd rather be there with my friends and kids I adore. I'm sure I'll adore new kids over there.... but.... I love the familiar. Maybe my old boss will remember how amazing I am when she sees me and give me a job doing something (anything!) until I leave for Korea. I know it's a long shot but a girl can dream, right? Meep.
Well, thats about all I have in me tonight friends. I'll try and blog again more.... it's been hard to get online alone to blog.... for some reason I like blogging alone. I'm weird. smoochies.