This weekend was fabulous, and the best part is I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow so it's not over yet!! I'm getting my hair done and (hopefully) getting to the optometrist to get some new contacts. Ahhh vacation days! This is my first one and it's muchhhhh needed!
Anyway, this weekend has been the best weekend in a LONG time. The weather was absolutely gorgeous (55-60 degrees compared to the 35 it has been) so we decided to take full advantage. Yesterday we got up and had to take the kitty to the vet for his monthly heart worm and flea medicine. After that we went to the outdoor market with Alicia and did some shopping. The market was packed and loud, just the way I like it! After the market we came back and relaxed for a little while then decided we should finally take that double-decker night tour of Seoul. We did the day tour and loved it! Unfortunately the night tour wasn't as exciting, but we got to learn a lot of history about the bridges over the river and see a few interesting sights. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday evening, even if it wasn't all we hoped for!
Today was super busy! We woke up really early and talked to my mama! I gave her a recipe for some of my favorite cupcakes, can't wait to hear if she liked them! Later we decided it would be a good day to go to Technomart, that giant (8 stories) electronics store. I needed some backup memory to store all my photos. My computer has been acting up and if it happens to crash I don't want to lose all my pictures! I would be devastated. I have 10 thousand photos on here, spanning over 5 years! I knew I took a lot of pictures, now I have the solid proof! ;-) We ended up getting a lot more than some memory!
Those of you who know me well know I was a photographer for around 7-8 years. It was my passion. It was my major in art school, and my major in college for a while. I lived to be in the dark room, it was my "happy place." In 2005 I was robbed and the person stole all my cameras, all my lenses, my portfolio, my negatives, as well as the framed work I had. I was beyond devastated. It's one of the worst things that ever happened to me. Cameras are replaceable, 7 years worth of negatives and portfolio work were not. I decided to give it up. It was too late to start over.
So, today, after some gentle nudging from me, Nick bought a DSLR. This isn't quite as captivating as having my own darkroom and a real SLR camera, but it's very, very close. I'm SOOO stoke to have an SLR in my hands again, even if it's digital! We decided to go to the best Buddhist temple in the city to break her in. I was on cloud 9!! Not only was the temple beautiful, but I was able to take some REAL photographs! AHHH! EXCITING!!! I may very well have to pick up my own eventually and get back into photography. I guess it's never too late to start over, and there is no better time than now.
So, that was the end to my wonderful weekend. Poor nick only took about 20 pictures, then handed the new baby over to me! I'm still trying to work out the settings for this camera, so if I captured anything good I'll post it online!
Well, time to go clean house..... see you all next time.