So, I wasn't even in the US for two weeks and I'm gone again already! This time, TORONTO!
More on that later...
Let's have a little cross-country wrap up! Landed at LAX two weeks ago and drove allll the way to phoenix that night. The following 3 days in Phoenix were a blur of events, parties, friends... all while in a blur of jetlag. It was an awesome visit and I got to see *almost* everyone I wanted to see. My birthday party was great, I got to catch up with a ton of friends and even had a few people surprised me. Love my friends! I got my hair done while in AZ as well... it's about a foot shorter and super blonde now! I was a bit shocked about the length at first, but it's sooo healthy and feels great.
On the evening of my birthday I packed up my kitty and hopped on a plane to Austin. It's amazing how uneventful domestic travel feels after coming from Korea a few days prior. The short 2.5 hour flight was only slightly disturbed by my kitty, haha. He was so easy to travel with, what a champ!
I spent 5 days in Austin and it was sooo nice to spend time with my mom and catch up with some friends. We went shopping and I have a ton of new summer clothes, yay! The days flew by there and I could hardly believe it was time to go! We were SO busy!
On Friday morning I took off to head to Raleigh, NC. The drive took 1.5 days (got there at 1pm on Saturday) and it was surprisingly easy! I've done the drive before, but I think it was even easier this time. It had been 9 months since I got to just drive with my windows down and music up... so it was amazing to just sing my lil heart out and chat with friends on the phone.
Raleigh was exciting as always. It's always great to see my bestie JESSICAAA! We had an amazing visit and it was over before I could stop and blink. We hung out with some old friends, made some new friends, and got into some good trouble. I said goodbye to my old faithful.... it hurt WAY more than I expected, but I needed to do it. He made my decision really easy, thankfully. I'm happy to be moving forward without any skeletons in my closet or "what ifs" lingering in the back of my mind. Fresh start... GO!
I also ended things with Nick... hopefully for the last time. I realized when there are just HUGE fundamental differences in how we view boundaries and respect... it'd just never work. I spoke to many people (probably too many) about the big problem, and EVERY person, 100% agreed with my view.... so thankfully I can move forward knowing I'm right. Our big problem was that he wants to maintain relationships with women he had flings with. I think it's utterly disrespectful to try and keep women in his life that were flings, and even random sex. I don't have a problem with him being friends with some ex's... like the ones who really were friends to him and aren't random girls he hooked up with. He says he sees it as compromising a part of himself to give up those "friendships" in order to be with me. If hanging out with random girls he banged is more important than our relationship, it's obviously not a relationship I need to be in. I've frankly never felt so belittled and disrespected by a boyfriend. If he wouldn't have cheated on me things may have been different, but in the end it still wouldn't have worked if he cant have boundaries with women from his past. Just recently he sent an email to a girl saying "she was the one who got away and he hopes for another chance." That probably should have been my BIG GIANT red flag to end things right then. He still has the same mentality he had when he cheated on me last year. He wants to keep all these avenues of communication and "friendship" open with these girls he used to sleep with and doesn't see how that will interfere with any relationship he will have. I don't understand his need to be accepted and "friends" with everyone.... I'm much more discriminating about the people I have in my life, and I suppose thats why I have such a great group of friends I've had for years.
So, I'm moving forward with my head held high knowing that I made the very best choice I could have made. I stood up for myself and didn't compromise what I know is right. It hasn't really stung yet... so I'm wondering if since I knew it was coming I was prepared for this... or maybe I'll feel it later.
I just started a new book called "Unhooked Generation" about why it's so hard to find commitment in my generation..... expect a blog about my views on this shortly!
Anyway, Toronto is wonderful so far and I can't wait to go hang out with some friends up here. It looks like there will be a TON to do and see, YESS!!