Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
I'm going to write a book one day.... it's going to be called "How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later"
look for it at a Barnes and Noble near you... in, oh..... 6 years! :-)
I can't believe how unbelievably well my life is going right now. I may have found a job/career that I will be able to stay at long enough to get my masters (and hopefully baking school) and still be happy. Every job has its rough days, but from what all my new work friends say, the bad days are far fewer than the good. I can dig it.
I'm partnered up with this totally awesome guy, we hit it off right away and he is making work a very funny and interesting place to be. Still waiting for my friend Jakey to come to my side of the building and introduce me to his homies I work with now. Is it bad I'm REALLY hoping one of them is the super cute tattooed guy that rides in on an awesome motorcycle?! I'm pretty happy everyone dates each other, haha. I may take advantage.
This past sunday I went to California and back. Why would I do such a crazy thing?! We did a tortoise rescue!! It was a fun road trip for a good cause! I took some pics at the Space Age Cafe.... I need to upload them.
Well, time to go read a comic book my ex got me today. Watchmen or Scott Pilgrim?!? I may flip a coin, or start them both!
I'm slowly but surely becoming a nerd. It's fun. Nerdz rule.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I drank for the first time in a couple months last night. Holy smokes I remember why I stopped drinking. It wasn't the 4 cocktails at the bar that did me in.... it was the bottle of wine in the pool at 4am. What was I thinking?!
Other than the hangover I'm nursing today, I feel amazing. I hung out with a friend last night who let me talk his ear off for hours. We've known each other socially for years, but we've never hung out alone. I got to vent about heartbreak, I got to tell fun travel stories, we got to trade most exciting/scary moments. It was so nice to just talk to someone and everything is new and fun, but not the awkwardness of just meeting someone. He totally gets my dreams and goals. When someone you admire gets what you're trying to do with your wife and thinks its awesome... thats a good feeling. Like I'm on the right track. I didn't need him to validate what my goals are, but its still nice to know people think they're awesome. It feels good for someone who is "cool" to think I'm interesting and artsy and worldly. He also took me on my first trolley ride, it may have been the highlight of my night.
I also took a huge step forward in another aspect of my life, unrelated to work and future plans. I don't want to get into any details, but I took a leap I had been needing to take and feel much better about moving forward with love. I feel like a million bucks.... all that angst leading up to an event, all for nothing!
Well, I suppose thats all thats going on in my world today. I didn't get home til 8am, so I don't plan on leaving my bed today. True Blood marathon... wooo wooo!
And in honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day.... here is my cousins kiddo talkin' like a pirate! It's SOOOO cute! Thanks for posting it, Daddygeekboy!
Other than the hangover I'm nursing today, I feel amazing. I hung out with a friend last night who let me talk his ear off for hours. We've known each other socially for years, but we've never hung out alone. I got to vent about heartbreak, I got to tell fun travel stories, we got to trade most exciting/scary moments. It was so nice to just talk to someone and everything is new and fun, but not the awkwardness of just meeting someone. He totally gets my dreams and goals. When someone you admire gets what you're trying to do with your wife and thinks its awesome... thats a good feeling. Like I'm on the right track. I didn't need him to validate what my goals are, but its still nice to know people think they're awesome. It feels good for someone who is "cool" to think I'm interesting and artsy and worldly. He also took me on my first trolley ride, it may have been the highlight of my night.
I also took a huge step forward in another aspect of my life, unrelated to work and future plans. I don't want to get into any details, but I took a leap I had been needing to take and feel much better about moving forward with love. I feel like a million bucks.... all that angst leading up to an event, all for nothing!
Well, I suppose thats all thats going on in my world today. I didn't get home til 8am, so I don't plan on leaving my bed today. True Blood marathon... wooo wooo!
And in honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day.... here is my cousins kiddo talkin' like a pirate! It's SOOOO cute! Thanks for posting it, Daddygeekboy!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Follow your heart or follow your head?
I may have found a way to do both. Some choices I've made over the past 5-6 months have opened up some BIG opportunities. I can't believe the shape my life is taking.... it's so.... promising.
There may be some certain sacrifices along the way, which I hope I can be adult enough to stick out. I'm not the best in staying in uncomfortable situations (i.e. Korea), but if there is a big enough pay out at the end I feel like I could suck it up. And the pay out would be HUGE if everything going on in my head comes to fruition.
I hate to be so vague, but until things are more concrete I don't want to gab about them on a public forum.
Let's just say not one, but TWO life goals could be accomplished within the next 3 years. Huge goals. Life changing stuff.
Send good thoughts my way. I'm going to be a busy girl figuring out the next steps in my life.
I still LOVE my new job.... the people make it such a nice place to be!
p.s. Hide your kids, Hide your wife
and hide your husband
Cuz they’re rapin errbody out here!
I may have found a way to do both. Some choices I've made over the past 5-6 months have opened up some BIG opportunities. I can't believe the shape my life is taking.... it's so.... promising.
There may be some certain sacrifices along the way, which I hope I can be adult enough to stick out. I'm not the best in staying in uncomfortable situations (i.e. Korea), but if there is a big enough pay out at the end I feel like I could suck it up. And the pay out would be HUGE if everything going on in my head comes to fruition.
I hate to be so vague, but until things are more concrete I don't want to gab about them on a public forum.
Let's just say not one, but TWO life goals could be accomplished within the next 3 years. Huge goals. Life changing stuff.
Send good thoughts my way. I'm going to be a busy girl figuring out the next steps in my life.
I still LOVE my new job.... the people make it such a nice place to be!
p.s. Hide your kids, Hide your wife
and hide your husband
Cuz they’re rapin errbody out here!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Jobby Job job
The new job is WAY better than I could have expected. I was SO nervous the first morning walking in, it was like the first day of school at a new high school. Turns out my training group is the biggest they've ever had.... there were like 50 of us! After all the HR presentations we took lunch then broke up to our own training groups for our different jobs. My training group has about 20... we are the biggest. Next week we will break down even further and I think about 10 of us will stay together. My trainers are awesome and funny.... the guy Andy is even tattooed and kinda rockabilly. I love how I can point out the "alternative" people in the building, even though we are all wearing business clothes. My group of trainees has become friends and we all spend our "study" time telling stories and bonding. I have become close with two girls around my same age. We will be doing happy hour ASAP! I've never quite had a work experience like this. I've never felt so professional. Even teaching, though it was a "professional" job, it wasn't fancy. I'm loving wearing pencil skirts, stilettos, and cute cardigans to work. It's been a fashion show 'round here! I also love having a security badge and "buzzing" into the building with it. I feel like such a grown up. It's funny the things that make you feel like a real adult.
So, other than the awesome new job, and the awesome new laptop AND desktop they gave me (now i have 3 laptops at the house!).... not a whole lot is new. Went sober dive-bar hopping this weekend. We made it to 8 bars and had a fan club before the night was over. A repeat of the night is planned for a week from Saturday. I'm not sure it can be as fun if we plan to have a bar hopping night from the start..... but we will try some new bars and see what we can find! I also finished the HCG shots this week. I lost 23 pounds in 24 days..... not bad, eh? I have to stay the same exact weight for 6 weeks, then I can lose some more. I think we are going to do another round of HCG in January. The date we can technically do it again falls during the holiday and I don't want to miss out of my grandma's holiday cooking 2 years in a row! I want to go back to Toronto in January to visit the farm and that sweet boy.... so I may make that my "reward" for finishing another round, or go early in the month and do another round when I get back. We'll see how it all unfolds!
Well, I think thats all for now. Everything is SO good. My work just changed the policy so I can start taking classes in 3 months instead of a year. So I've got 3 months to figure out what to do with the rest of my life! I need to find out if I can take classes at the ground campus (Art Institute)..... it would only be another bachelors degree, but if its in a specialized field thats all I should need. Or psychology.... can you see me being a child psychologist? Or a professor at some cool university? Or working in health care? I have so many options. Wish I saw a clear path... but it will be fun to find out where I am pulled!
So, other than the awesome new job, and the awesome new laptop AND desktop they gave me (now i have 3 laptops at the house!).... not a whole lot is new. Went sober dive-bar hopping this weekend. We made it to 8 bars and had a fan club before the night was over. A repeat of the night is planned for a week from Saturday. I'm not sure it can be as fun if we plan to have a bar hopping night from the start..... but we will try some new bars and see what we can find! I also finished the HCG shots this week. I lost 23 pounds in 24 days..... not bad, eh? I have to stay the same exact weight for 6 weeks, then I can lose some more. I think we are going to do another round of HCG in January. The date we can technically do it again falls during the holiday and I don't want to miss out of my grandma's holiday cooking 2 years in a row! I want to go back to Toronto in January to visit the farm and that sweet boy.... so I may make that my "reward" for finishing another round, or go early in the month and do another round when I get back. We'll see how it all unfolds!
Well, I think thats all for now. Everything is SO good. My work just changed the policy so I can start taking classes in 3 months instead of a year. So I've got 3 months to figure out what to do with the rest of my life! I need to find out if I can take classes at the ground campus (Art Institute)..... it would only be another bachelors degree, but if its in a specialized field thats all I should need. Or psychology.... can you see me being a child psychologist? Or a professor at some cool university? Or working in health care? I have so many options. Wish I saw a clear path... but it will be fun to find out where I am pulled!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
And the beat goes on....
Life is pretty freakin' good right now. Home stretch before the new job starts on Monday. As much fun as I'm having not having to go to work, I'm ready!! It's making me a little nervous.... like being the new kid at school. Everyone seemed really fun and nice when I went for my interview, so hopefully I make some friends soon!
Went to Becca's lake house for the weekend. SO MUCH FUN. Plenty of kayaking, board games, BBQing, dock lounging, canoeing, and hang time. We went antiquing on Sunday and found some great stuff. I totally need to go back when I get my own place. I love old tacky stuff... it's awful! Also got to stop by my families cabin which is only 4 miles from Becca's. It was great just to hang out on the patio and chat with everyone.

Had my first *real* date since my last breakup.. The last step of moving forward is actually moving forward. It's time to get back out there! It was probably the best first date I've ever had. He LOVED the maple bacon cake I made for Amy. My friends liked him, he liked them. We had a drawing night at the bar. We had a blow dart competition (I beat all the boys again). We had our first awkward moment. Amy's friend Kelly met up with everyone and told us all she was a "medium" psychic. She then announced that she can "feel" our energy and my date and I send out "love" vibes and we belong together. She went on about how perfect we are for like 5 mins..... how AWKWARD! I just kind of looked at him with apologetic eyes. He played along, ahah. There is something that kind of bugged me about him.... but I'll probably hang out with him again. :-)

Lastly, Amy's boyfriend is finally growing on me. I wasn't sure how I felt about his hipster attitude, but he has been really sweet ever since he sprayed our entire house down with Axe body spray and all he said when we yelled at him was "I had to axe you a question!" So bratty! He figured out how to download torrents on my mac last night, which is awwwwwesome because I'm addicted to True Blood these days. He also took my new little netbook home and is making is RAD for me. I couldn't get a handle on linux... I'm just not that cool.
Went to Becca's lake house for the weekend. SO MUCH FUN. Plenty of kayaking, board games, BBQing, dock lounging, canoeing, and hang time. We went antiquing on Sunday and found some great stuff. I totally need to go back when I get my own place. I love old tacky stuff... it's awful! Also got to stop by my families cabin which is only 4 miles from Becca's. It was great just to hang out on the patio and chat with everyone.
Had my first *real* date since my last breakup.. The last step of moving forward is actually moving forward. It's time to get back out there! It was probably the best first date I've ever had. He LOVED the maple bacon cake I made for Amy. My friends liked him, he liked them. We had a drawing night at the bar. We had a blow dart competition (I beat all the boys again). We had our first awkward moment. Amy's friend Kelly met up with everyone and told us all she was a "medium" psychic. She then announced that she can "feel" our energy and my date and I send out "love" vibes and we belong together. She went on about how perfect we are for like 5 mins..... how AWKWARD! I just kind of looked at him with apologetic eyes. He played along, ahah. There is something that kind of bugged me about him.... but I'll probably hang out with him again. :-)

Lastly, Amy's boyfriend is finally growing on me. I wasn't sure how I felt about his hipster attitude, but he has been really sweet ever since he sprayed our entire house down with Axe body spray and all he said when we yelled at him was "I had to axe you a question!" So bratty! He figured out how to download torrents on my mac last night, which is awwwwwesome because I'm addicted to True Blood these days. He also took my new little netbook home and is making is RAD for me. I couldn't get a handle on linux... I'm just not that cool.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Rawr... I'm a dinosaur
I'm having a blah day. I was telling one of my best friends about feeling blah and she said I'm being fussy. So, apparently I'll whine to my blog instead of my friends. I don't know why I feel so blah (ok, I do... I'm lying), but I'm hoping going to a movie and hanging with one of my favorite girlfriends will remedy the situation. Things have been going really well, I want to keep moving in the right direction.
I'm really ready to start my job. As much as I love time off and vacations, I just need something in my life to keep me busy and goal oriented. I feel kind of lost sometimes when I don't have something to wake up for every day. I need to feel useful.
My good friend Becca finally closed on her house yesterday. This is good news for all of us. This house has 2 two bedroom apartments on the property and a nice big yard to share. My current roommate Amy and I have been offered these apartments. This is really good news. I would love to have my OWN place, but still have Amy next door if I get scared being home alone! We aren't 100% sure this will happen, it all depends on a few factors that should be worked out in the next few weeks. I'm content in my current living situation, so I'm fine either way. My current house is closer to my new job... so I won't complain if we stay here! The only problem with the current living situation is the kitty wars. It's like nam up in here.
I'm really ready to start my job. As much as I love time off and vacations, I just need something in my life to keep me busy and goal oriented. I feel kind of lost sometimes when I don't have something to wake up for every day. I need to feel useful.
My good friend Becca finally closed on her house yesterday. This is good news for all of us. This house has 2 two bedroom apartments on the property and a nice big yard to share. My current roommate Amy and I have been offered these apartments. This is really good news. I would love to have my OWN place, but still have Amy next door if I get scared being home alone! We aren't 100% sure this will happen, it all depends on a few factors that should be worked out in the next few weeks. I'm content in my current living situation, so I'm fine either way. My current house is closer to my new job... so I won't complain if we stay here! The only problem with the current living situation is the kitty wars. It's like nam up in here.
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