My mom is always full of valuable advice and information. Rarely does she steer me in the wrong direction. I also rarely follow her advice.... steering myself willing in the wrong direction, thinking I know best. Some things just come with age and life experience. I wrote in a blog years ago there is a hump people had always told me about, which you go over around 25. This hump changes something. I think around 25 people become more introspective. They have enough life experience to make sound choices, but enough youth to still have fun. I'm about to turn 25. Hump.... here I come.
I can tell I'm approaching the hump. I'm becoming less impulsive, more thoughtful, more considerate, less selfish. Ok, I'm working on the selfish thing.... give me a break, I'm the baby of the family! My days have turned from poolside margarita's and shopping to a classroom of beautiful children.... and I'm not the least bit resentful (as I thought I would be when those days ended). I still have my occasional "Man, I wish I could go to the lake with my friends today" moment, but I no longer envy my friends who come and go as they please. This happened when I wasn't even paying attention. It's completely taken me by surprise that most sunday nights I go to bed excited to go back to work the next day. It's a feeling I enjoy getting used to. Life isn't one big party anymore, which makes me value my "me" time even more. I pick the things I do with care, I revel in the moment. It's a good place to be. Instead of 5 or 6 nights a week of going out to have a semi-fun time.... I now have 1 or 2 superb nights out that leave me satisfied and happy with my life.
My life has become calm, the turmoil of college life seems like it's such a distant past now. I like it. I feel more prepared to face any dark days that may head my way. As my lovely mother keeps pointing out to me, "If something bizarre or bad is going to happen, it will surely happen to you!" I've come to embrace the weird in my life, it's alright.... I'm resilient. As Longfellow said,
"Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary." My life is full of sunshine.... a little rain can't get me down. I live in Arizona after all, the rain doesn't stick around for long.
I was hoping doing some writing/thinking/venting would make my day better.....
I can't write about what I came here to write about. The person I want to write about reads these..... I'm not about to throw myself under the bus. Gah.
I was going to write about compromises in life as well.... but I should get back to cleaning. Nothing takes the sting out of hurt feelings like a clean bathroom, haha.
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