Monday, May 11, 2009


jeff sent me this. he rocks.... here it is...

Here is an excerpt from "Bad Boys" by Carol Lieberman, one of the rare women who can be honest about what’s actually going on in attraction and relationships. This is her perspective on the personalities of different types of bad boys and why women are attracted to them.

What is a bad boy?

A rebel without a cause, a cool dude in a motorcycle jacket.
A real life Huckleberry Finn who wants to take you on a wild river ride to adventure.
He’s a wounded moody, misunderstood, a dreamer, a seducer, a daredevil.
He’s a man of mystery, and a fascinating paradox.
He’s both a lost little boy and a man with a dark side.
He breaks your heart with his wicked ways.
Whether he’s a wanton wolf or a dangerous desperado,
He makes you long to rescue him from his pain.
He’s hurtfully cruel, or simply carelessly self absorbed.
But you can’t resist jumping on his motorcycle and roaring off into the steamy night with him.
And once you’ve given him your heart forever, he’s gone with the wind.
He’s someone who sets off throbbing sexual and aggressive passions within you.
Because he’s so aloof and elusive, you get caught up in the challenge and excitement of the chase.
Though he’s not always someone you’d really want even if you did capture him.
A bad boy may tell you he’s generally right.
He’s a frog you hope to turn into a fairy tale prince with the magic of your kiss.


“He’s someone who 'sets off' throbbing sexual and aggressive passions within you.”
Whew, now that’s intense ;)

And see, when you find yourself feeling that way, for me now, it would seem like it’s more of a physical, gut level feeling that you really can’t explain or control, yet, you just can’t deny. That’s why, even though you may have guys chasing you left and right, it’s this bad boy you really desire.

Carol continues, “This bad boy can rescue you from your day to day life, sweep you off your feet into a wild adventure ride. He sets off feelings deep within you... with… that look, those eyes… that attitude, that style… the way he walks, the way he talks, the way he acts, and the way he smells… so intriguing, so challenging, so mysterious, so mischievous. This feeling of intense attraction just overcomes you… whenever you see this bad boy, whenever you’re with him, and even whenever you think about him. It’s like you feel this longing heat rising within you… your senses become so heightened from the anticipation just building and building inside you… that now you just know, you've got to feel this man’s power and prowess come over you.”

With me now, when you actually feel that way – when you feel that intense attraction, that longing desire and anticipation within you… That’s what makes you really want this bad boy over any other guy. That's what makes you want to go for him, chase him, try to reel him in, and capture him... before he’s ‘gone with the wind’. And like for me it seems, since he’s busy living his own life - living his own adventure, it’s the challenge and anticipation of being a part of this adventure that you want to get caught up in.

And that my friends is what makes this wild “bad boy” adventure ride so exciting

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