I think I was born in the wrong generation. While I embrace technology as a way to keep in touch with friends I met traveling around the world, and friends who have since moved away (or even games to pass time when I'm bored)..... I loathe the other responsibilities that come with the power, better known as the internet. I am pretty much an open book. I think I'm a good person, and I know I have good intentions, so I don't often censor myself online. Probably a big mistake. I never really consider the implications of my actions online. I update my status on Facebook and post bulletins about upcoming events on Myspace, not really considering how people may interpret what I'm saying. People don't always get my quirky sense of humor, and I forget that. I have definitely come to prefer face-to-face communication. I like having a conversation with someone where if they don't quite get what I'm saying they can be like, "wait...umm... did you really just say that?!" Then I explain what I meant and we all have a good laugh. This has never really gotten me into big trouble, but it has ended in hurt feelings on both sides of relationships I'm in. I never stop to think that posting a status update about going to the movies would hurt someones feelings because they werent invited. In the same vein, I've wondered where I was when I see pictures my friends put up online and I'm not in them. I think people get a sense of ownership their friends these days, being connected to them in so many ways.
So, I think the dynamics of friendships have changed, being so assessable to each other..... but no serious harm has been done. I do believe the harm is being done in dating/marriage relationships though.
Whatever happened to calling a girl up on Tuesday to invite her out for Friday night? What happened to picking the girl up, walking up to the door, with flowers, and taking her out for a night on the town? It seems to me the old rules of courtship are dead. The majority of dates I've been out on in the last 3 years have been initiated via text or even worse.... instant message! There is nothing romantic about getting a text on Thursday night saying there will be a show on Friday, and it'd be cool if you can show. The worst part is.... I (along with many, many girls I know)I allow this happen. It's become to status quo to make dates via text that no one thinks twice about it these days. I want to live back in the days of "an affair to remember", "the way we were", "casablanca"..... etc. Think about how romantic and sincere love was back in those days. I think thats what attracted me to the rockabilly scene..... a lot of the dating rules still apply in that scene. Rockabilly guys will call you up for a date, they open car doors, send you flowers at work, and have a real honor behind their motives. Not all of them.... like in every crowd, there are dirtbags.... but I feel like they are fewer and further between. I think there is more respect, to a degree. You'll never see a rockabilly guy out at a show or party without his girl by his side (unless it's boys' night out). It's a matter of respect. you don't leave your girl at home so you can go pick-up on other chicks.
The only thing that's more annoying than lazy lovers, are social networking websites. I thought Michelle was silly back when Myspace first gained popularity (before I was even on there) for constantly checking the activity of her boyfriends online. Low and behold... most of the time, they were chatting up other girls and making plans. Myspace made it all too easy for them to be "meeting" and talking to girls without ever leaving the house. Online networking made people lazy... and sneaky. I have had numerous boyfriends scout for new girls online, while still dating me. There are too many options now, with little to no work for an outcome. I wrote about cheating via the internet in my last blog.... but what about being deceptive, not necessarily cheating? I think a lot of people like to keep their online options open. By not denying, or confirming, that you have a girlfriend (online) you aren't risking burning bridges with other girls you may have relationships with online. I've been guilty of this, but typically it's in person for me. I think since all of the people I talk to online are people I see on a semi-regular basis (aside from out of town friends) I don't have that need to live below the radar online. People know who I'm dating, where I'm living, where I work, and who I'm having a tiff with... because they are a part of my REAL life. The internet is merely a supplement while we aren't together.
I want to reverse time and live in the 1950s. I want to know my boyfriend can't have the option to text or IM other girls. I want to "go steady" with someone in hopes of marrying them, not just passing time until the next loser (or pretty face, if you're a guy) to come along. I want to go to a gosh darn sock hop!! Ok, maybe I'm more of a drive-in kind of girl.
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