I know work is stressing me out when I dream about it! I totally woke up, wrote down something for work, then went back to bed. I can't wait for next week to be here so my new classes will start and I can see how bad it actually is. I'm not impressed with my schedule. While I'm not technically working a lot more hours than I currently am, they are laid out weird so it feels like LONGGG days. Bah! . ;-)
I'm SO excited my super awesome boyfriend will be here in DAYS! Not WEEKS! It's been 7 weeks since we've seen each other, by FAR the longest I've gone without seeing a boyfriend. I never thought it would be harder to keep a relationship going strong from a distance, than it is from the same room. My momma said it's because you have all of the work of a relationship, without any of the benefits. It's true. I need some benefits. I thought we wouldn't fight and everything would be smooth sailing.... I mean, how can we piss each other off from a couple continents away? Pfft, little did I know! Haha. It's a good thing he loves me so much, because if I were him I would have told myself to go take a hike on a few seperate occasions!
Anyway, I have two hours until work is over. My student evaluations are done. My testing is graded. My lesson plans are made until March. I literally have NOTHING to do! It's not all it's cracked up to be, I promise. I need something to stimulate my brain before it starts turning to mush. Maybe I'll run across to the grocery store and pick up some fruit. I love fruit. I'm getting brave with my food selections now. I ate fruit at the bar the other night and didn't die. I heard a few times it's not good to eat fruit with skin in new places. Alas, I'm ok.
Bye bye. xo
Oh yeah, Sarah got the wedding pictures back..... they are really nice. Sneak peak!

and of course me being bratty with the boyfriend! haha
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