Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

2009 was supposed to be the tannest year ever..... I had some really tan moments, so maybe I achieved that bronzed goal.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, not much is going on to be honest. It's the same daily grind, same routine, same everything. I don't have anything new or exciting to share. Christmas came and went without much notice. I got a kitten (Jack) who has made me totally sleep deprived, but he is pretty damn cute.

So it's New Years Eve..... 2009 is toast. I did a lot this year. It was a pretty good one. It had it's wonderful moments and it's shitty moments. I feel like 2010 wont really count.... I'll be in Korean 90% of it. If I'm not with my friends and family.... it doesn't really count. Sure, I'll have some new experiences, I'll see some stuff.... but mostly I'll be working in a job that my heart isn't in, to pay for my student loans. I will be a year older, but still not totally sure what I want to do with my "life."

Every time I think I've got it all figured out...... life throws me a curve ball.

I realized recently when I get back to the states I'll be 26, with a college degree that doesn't help me much in the real world, with not a lot of real job experience. I think ASU did a pretty crappy job preparing me for a real career..... and I have many other friends that went there who feel the same way. I went and saw a career counselor, and you know what he told me? Follow my dreams, open a business. Who tells someone that is almost 30k in student loan debt to open a business in a terrible economy, that has no business knowledge? With a brilliant idea like that he probably went to ASU himself. Don't get me wrong, I loved my time at ASU, I learned a lot about a lot...... just not a lot about what to do with the skill set I paid for.

sorry to end the year on such a moody note...... but I don't feel like 2010 will really be the "best year ever."

My plan is to make a plan so I go back to AZ with some new goals and a lot more research under my belt about career options.
Is it awful I paid over 30k for a degree, but I'd really love to be a cosmetologist? or go back to confectionary school and learn to be a baker? Maybe college should start in your 20s..... when I started at 17 I had NO idea what I wanted out of my life.

Well, Happy New Year my friends..... I promise my next entry will be more uplifting. Maybe I'll even make some resolutions that I won't stick to hahaha.


Jeffrey said...
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Sarah Bush said...

Honestly, I LOVE the idea of you as a cosmetologist or a baker! You would be able to freelance; "start a business" without really starting a business (if you know what I mean). What's more is, you have the CONFIDENCE to put yourself out there and find yourself work. You've got that bubbly personality that people love and want to work with.

The girl who did my wedding cake? I think she's great! You saw (and tasted, I think) our cake, it was great and she's done things that are much more detailed and complicated than that. She's taken classes with world renowned chefs and cake designers in NYC and she also did my Tiffany & Co shower cake (pics on my FB if you haven't seen them). She has an amazing set of skills, but she lacks the confidence to go out there and say "Hey, look what I can do! Hire me to do it!"

I paid $450 for my cake which is a steal, especially for how good it came out. I got a deal because she is a friend and former student of Jon's mom. She could charge a stranger even more. I have no doubt that you could do the same with baking, cosmetology or whatever else you have your heart set on.

I believe in you <3

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