I've always had the most bizarre dreams. They can haunt me for days. They can make me feel like a million bucks for days. Unfortunately it's normally scary dreams that haunt me.
Last night I dreamed my sis-in-law Courtney had a baby. That's pretty normal, right? Well, the baby kept changing into random things (a fish, a book, a babydoll) and trying to elude us as to her whereabouts. It was totally weird and I woke up almost laughing. A book baby? This must have another deeper meaning!
I'm really hoping my sis-in-law stays normal when she has a baby. She is pretty mellow and even tempered, so I feel like she will. Have you ever met one of those new psychotic mothers that keep their baby in a bubble for the first year or two to avoid a cold or bump... yeah, I hate them.
Speaking of mothers I hate, there is one in particular that is crazier than the rest. My step-brother Russell unfortunately got this girl pregnant a couple years ago. I was really excited at first thinking I'd FINALLY have a sister after wanting one for 23 years... and she would have a baby that I could play with, even better. Oh boy was I wrong. She has the baby, and to this day I've only held her once. I actually didn't even ask to hold her... it was at my brother Jason's wedding and I just kind of took her from my stepmom. I got about 10 mins with her, and it was awesome. I was holding her hands letting her walk around and we were playing and I was tickling her. She was laughing and having a great time. I'm fortunate that the only time I spent time with her was a good memory. I walked the baby back outside and PsychoMom spotted me and immediately told my brother to "get my baby away from her." And I'm happy to say that my step-brother replied "but she is having a good time" (or something along those lines) but then PsychoMom insisted he take the baby from me, so he did. I'm so glad my cousin Janice was a witness to this. People were trying to tell me that she is just over protective and weird about the baby, but I knew better. The psycho had it out for me for some reason. If my cousin Janice wouldn't have heard it with her own ears, I may very well have wondered for the rest of my life if I was over-reacting to a psycho mom, or if she really was trying to keep me away from her baby. Mystery solved!
So, my friend thinks that my sis-in-law baby dreams are my fears about her acting the same way. I'm fairly certain that won't be the case.... so hopefully I have no more weird baby dreams!
Goodnight bloggers xoxo
What's funny about the people who keep their kid's in bubbles to keep them healthy is that it usually ends up backfiring down the line. Their kids end up sick more often than normal because their immune systems can't handle anything.
They are also the ones that rush their kids to the doctor for every little sniffle. What better place to catch something nasty than an office/ER full of sick people? Sometimes people's logic make me giggle :p
I completely agree Sarah! When I was a nanny one set of twins were "bubble" kids and they were ALWAYS SICK! The mom was like "I don't understand how they are getting sick, we never let them go anywhere!"
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