You wanna know something cool? I can't remember a time I was this content with life. Everything just feels good in my life right now. I've reconnected with and made some amazing friends in Canada. I love where I live, I love this city, I love my weekends on the farm, I love everything about this summer. As you all know by now I broke up with my long term boyfriend about 6 weeks ago and expected some kind of big fall out in my life. You know when you're so used to sharing half of your space and life with a person... and then suddenly they aren't there... and you're not quite sure how to feel and what to do with yourself? Well, that didn't happen nearly as bad as I expected. I mean the initial shock of not having him around was weird to get used to.... until I changed how I wanted to feel about the situation. I'm happier than I've been in a while and I feel really optimistic about the future. Meeting someone (or someones haha) new kind of helps with that, too. <3 Butterflies.
I have pretty much decided I will be moving to Canada within a year. Hopefully much less than that though. I was going to stay here longer, but I've got some stuff to take care of back home... so I'm leaving here in 2... maybe 3 weeks. I'll spend time with my friends and family, have fun, enjoy life, and then *fingers crossed* pack it all up and start a new chapter of my life in Toronto. This city is absolutely the best place I've been in a long time. I can't think of anything bad to say about it, or the people.
While the plan is to move back here, I'm not going to put constraints on where the wind takes me until it's actually happening. It's the plan, but it's not set in stone. We'll see what happens.... ya know?? A guy I met a few weeks ago told me he believes I'm part gypsy. I believe him.
Well, I'm sunburned and exhausted from my weekend at the farm. Time to edit some photos and get ready for bed.
Love, Me
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