Other than being bored with the job hunt things are still amazzzzzing. My friends threw me a really awesome welcome home party on Saturday night. We went to a new bar (old bar, but new to me) and danced out butts off to some rockin' 80s music. Michael Jackson, Debbie Deb, Teaches of Peaches... YESSSS! A great time was had by all and I got to meet a couple new additions to our friend group. They seem awesome and I'm to be back with my special lady friends! I'll have to post some pics of the party when I'm on my own computer.
Sunday was pretty fun as well, just super busy of course! I went to a BBQ/Pool party at Rick's, which was nice because I missed the summer kick-off this year! I've just gotta say once again how much I love my friends.... it's great coming home to a group of people who really missed me and are making my first days back home so special. After the pool party Becca and I went back to my house to continue the party and have our Hoff roast viewing party. SOOOO funny.... I'm not always a fan of roasts, but this one was funny stuff. The boy I met last week was supposed to come over with the rest of the gang, but he went home early. I couldn't help but feel a little bummed, even though he never promised he'd come. I don't really want to date anyone until I get a job and I'm settled back in... but I just can't resist a big ole beard and shaggy hair. Not holding my breath, but it would be awfully convenient if I date Becca and Amy's boyfriends friend. We can have triple dates!
Speaking of boys.... the most evil of my seven evil ex's (ok, I've got more than that, but I'm obsessed with Scott Pilgrim these days) has been showing his ugly head almost daily since I got back. I went out of my way to not see him or speak to him in years because he has some weird power over me. I knew if I spoke to him, I'd be sucked into his evil web of lies and broken hearts. Well, Amy put me on the phone with him, and now he is coming over tomorrow night to paint my bedroom. He said he likes to feel useful these days..... and somehow I baked his favorite cupcakes today. GAHHHHH! I WILL BE STRONG AND RESIST BEING HIS FRIEND!!
I went and spent the day at the school I taught at yesterday. It was SO special to see the kiddos and my teacher friends. I had a blast, and it's evident they miss me as much as I missed them! A few of them are dropping hints to my old boss that they should find a position for me... doing something useful! I'm not holding my breath, but you never know what can happen in this crazy thing called life.
Ok, I've wasted enough time.... I better finish this up so I can figure out what to cook for dinner.
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