My cat is a spaz.... just putting that out there. I haven't been home much for the last few weeks so when I walk in the door he is all over me like white on rice. We are playing a fun game of fetch with his favorite stuffed toy right now. So cute! I'm thinking about getting another kitty.... not because I really want one but because I've been working 60 hours a week and only sleeping at my own place 4-5 nights a week. He really needs the company once I move. Him and my roomie's cat have become best buddies, and I'm afraid he will be sad after the move. Luckily Aaron (new awesome next door neighbor) just got an adorable kitten a few weeks ago so we are going to take turns having playdates. If that's not enough it's back to the kitten stage with a new addition to our family! I forgot how annoying kittens are until I'm around Aarons. My cat has WAY mellowed out, even if he is still a spaz.
Oh yeah, I'm a mommy now. My friend Meleah had two ADORABLE babies (see above) and I'm the honorary second-mommy now that daddy moved out haha. We decided to raise them with a "my two moms" thing going on. I had apparently forgotten how much work babies are (worse than the kittens mentioned above!).... especially at 6am after we drink too much wine <3
Other than playing hard on weekends and working hard all week not much is new in my life. Just buckling down and preparing for the move. I never realized how much responsibility having your own place is. I'm having to deal with utilities and moving and shopping and decorating and security all on my own. It's a lot of work, but I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Hopefully my crappy pseudo boyfriend takes a day off work to help me move..... otherwise my crappy ex boyfriend will be helping. Neither option seems that fun.... why can't I have family members with trucks?!
Seems as if my blog traffic has slowed down quite a bit.... I either need to be more interesting or post some half-naked pics of me and my ladies! ;-)
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