I want to capture these first few months of a relationship and remember the excitement and the butterflies. I want to remember the utter calm in my life when he is around. I want to remember how it feels to believe what he tells me and never second guess him. I want to remember how patient he is with me when trying to teach me to snowboard hahaha!
We scooted out of town again last weekend. The snow is melting up in Flagstaff (and it already hit 100 in phoenix!) so we wanted to get one last snowboard run in.... not to mention we love staying with Mary and Bryan at the sweet Flag pad! Even though it was 3 days of snowboarding, hiking, cave exploring, fishing, cigars and wine by bon fires and of course great meals.... I think my favorite part of the weekend was Friday night, before we even left. The breeze was coming in through the screen door, candles were still glowing on the dinner table, wine was being consumed all too easily, dinner had been finished and tequila shots were being poured. He had just finished washing dishes and I was wrapping up leftovers. We had pandora going during dinner but somehow salsa music came on. Considering we were having a "tequila night" we found it ironic and perfect. He grabbed me and we started to salsa dance around the kitchen. The laughter and the fact we had no idea what we were doing made it perfect. We took to dancing outside and soon ended up with a blanket under the stars sharing funny stories while tossing the ball for the pup. Those few hours were something magical and I hope I never forget it.
I love having someone around to push me to do great things. I put in my resume for management because he believes I'm good enough to get the job. I learned to snowboard and actually figured it out because he had a feeling I'd love it. I climbed every single mountain in Phoenix because he wanted me to see the views. I am doing a 30 day yoga challenge because he knows how much I love yoga and wants to do it with me. I learned to cook new foods and smoke cigars because it's something fun we can share. I'm so used to being the person in a relationship trying to pull the other person out of their shell and into my world that I forgot how mesmerizing it is to be the one exploring new things.
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