I'd say I'm pretty lucky that life is continuing to get better by the day. A few rough days are sprinkled between the good.... but who am I to complain about that?! Things continue to be good and I'm grateful.
I had my last day at the Art Institute yesterday... and I'm really sad about it. Well, more like it's bittersweet. I'm staying with the same company, just moving to a different brand at a different office. I will surely miss the people I've spent so much time with over the past year (working in close quarters really bonds people!) but I'm also happy to be taking yet another step forward in this company. I interviewed 2 weeks ago and was told I wouldn't hear anything for at least a week... and then I got the offer like 5 hours later. They pretty much gave me everything I wanted without any hesitation. My reputation precedes me according to my boss. I like that! So, I did have some tears saying goodbye to my boss... he has been a wonderful mentor and really helped shaped who I am in this company, but I know I'll be much better off in my new spot. It will certainly make my life a lot easier!! This new spot has so many perks and resources that I've been wanting for months! Working with the military is A LOT of work and anything they can do to make is easier is much appreciated!
I had an easy week being that it was my last so I decided to take off a day and head out of town. Apparently I can't go more than 2 weeks without leaving town. We just had the "adult swim" weekend in Flagstaff 2 weeks ago (which was amazing of course)! I headed up to Jerome this time.... hadn't been there since before I left for Korea. Lots of drinking and sunshine and good food and fun! After Jerome we went up to Mary's in Flagstaff to spend the night. Mary decided on San Felipe's for dinner/drinks and we ended up winning a guitar... pretty good luck, eh? I was 3 hours late for work the next day but c'est la vie.... gotta live life to the fullest!
Yesterday my good friend Kat, her husband Joe and their son Colin came to town! They are staying with me (having a 2 year old in the house reminds me just how anal I am about picking everything up all the time!!) and it's a blast. Joe is testing with the Scottsdale PD so they are getting a feel for the city and checking things out. I got to introduce them to some good friends and we've had a blast so far. Joe is out meeting my uncle (police officer) right now and Kat just crashed for the day (she's pregnant and worn out!) so I'm enjoying a few quiet minutes to my self!

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