Yesterday morning Amy and I were sitting around the house debating what to do with our day (I had a promising day of laundry ahead) when we decided to go on an ADVENTURE! We debated over Tucson and a few other places before deciding on Slide Rock (and all the other tourist crap in Sedona). So we call Becca, throw on swim suits and cut offs, fill the cooler with beer... and head out! The best quote of the morning was by Amy: "Let's hurry up and take these clothes off so we can cut them up!" Yeehaw. Oh, and don't forget the pigtails and trucker hats as well.
The trip up there was fun, we gambled (dont ask), had sing a longs, and made fun of Amy, haha. Good times. My cousin Alyssa met us up there then we discovered Slide Rock was totally full so we found another spot. We had to venture down the side of the mountain type cliff to get down to the water, then cross many very slippery rocks to get to the other side where we wanted to set up camp. It took us like half an hour to swim/jump/rock step our way across. ack. Some guys even offered amy help because she was stuck haha. We spent the day meeting other people escaping the heat, swimming, enjoying good company, and drinking beer. It was what we all needed. After the sun started to set we went into downtown Sedona and shopped, walked around, and had a yummy dinner. It was a perfect day and we headed home happy. Got back into town at like 11pm and stopped by the Surfside IV show to say hi to friends, but came home pretty early because we were all dirty and exhausted!
Already planning our next adventure. I was telling the girls about this place I used to go when I was a kid called Fossil Creek, but that may be too rugged for a group of girls, haha. We are going to scout out some options and start going on adventures as often as we can. My friend from England messaged me today when I said I want to plan another adventure and invited me to South America in early 2010. I'm seriously debating saying YESSS and going for it. I do love me some international travel. I've never done South america.
Anyway, my other topic of the day is how much media can influence people (yeah, me). There is that line from.... I think it's "High Fidelity" where he says "are we sad because we listen to pop music? or do we listen to pop music because we are sad?'
Man, what a question. I know for myself, my moods can be very easily changed my music, literature, or cinema. Last night I came home just happy as a clam (the only down part of the whole day was everyone bitching about their crappy sex lives with ex's, and me realizing how much I loved mine, hahahaha) and settled into bed for the night around 1am. I turn on my TV to find something to fall asleep to and The Holiday was coming on. I end up watching the whole thing and it's like an emotional roller coaster. First, I'm really sad because of all the heart ache different characters are going through, I mean I can totally relate, so I was bummed out. Then it ends on a really great note of everyone finding their true loves.... which made me really happy they found love, but bummed I'm in bed alone at the same time, haha.
Same thing goes with this great book I finished this morning, I get really bummed out when bad things happened for the protagonist, especially since I related to well to her, but then I am feeling great that she got everything she wanted and all was ok.
Music is even worse. When I'm having a crappy day I can blast some party favorites, clean my house, and forget all about whatever crap was bugging me! But I can also feel really blue for no apparent reason after listening to sad love songs..... which sucks, because I love sad love songs, but hate that I get cranky!
Well, I need to shower and get out of here..... gonna go hang with my favorite short people in Cave Creek tonight.
Oh yeah, I also got a new job. It's not exactly what I'm looking for, so I'm going to kind of continue my search, but this will at least be something to occupy my time and make some money in the mean time.
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