Do you ever wish you could freeze a moment, be able to save it forever? I wish life was like a computer and I could do a screen shot and file it away under "great memories." I had a few of these moments today...... gone forever, sweet memories will eventually fade like photographs. God bless the digital age.... now we only have to worry about computer crashes. Blah. I need to either find my camera or buy a new one.... i'm sick of being camera-less.
The weekend has been good so far.... it's hot out!! BBQed over at Mel's today... it was fun, but I ended up leaving early. I freakin' love her to death but ALL of their friends are married.... its so gross! Barry wants me to date Howard again so I can bring him over for BBQs, haha. I don't know about that..... Howard is great, but... we tried that once already. So I guess until I find a guy worth marrying I'll hate going to Mel's BBQs. There is one next weekend, but Surfside IV is also playing.... so I don't know if I'll even go.
Went out with Dean last night..... got to play in the rain. I freaking love rain, it was probably the highlight of my night. I love that whenever I'm in the car with Dean he plays CDs that I just love to sing-a-long to.... and we both sing, and laugh, and it's comfortable. Last night he played a bunch of music from shows we've been to together.... good memories. I haven't really considered a romantic relationship since our St. Pattys Day makeout. I still don't know how I feel. meh.I felt really bad that probably 5 people asked where "my boyfriend" is... right in front of Dean. I don't know if he heard all of them, he is so tall I don't think he hears most of the conversation on my level. haha. If he did... ouch. The show was pretty good.... it was hot as balls in the rouge west, as always. I kind of hate that's where Surfside is playing next weekend.... those shows are sooo hot! Dean caught me mentally visiting other places a couple times.... another ouch. I think I need a couple more days to decompress still, my mind keeps wandering at the worst times. Hence being home at 11pm on a Saturday..... I just want to be alone. I'm kind of cranky. I miss amy..... she puts everything in perspective for me.
Jenn told me she has been sad about me not going back to work next year..... breaks my heart. I reallllly love all the people I work with..... I dont know what the heck I'm doing. I sent my resume out for a few jobs in NC. One of them is super awesome, but I dont think I have enough experience. I told Old Faithful today that I'm looking at jobs out there. I think that made the prospect of me moving back real for him, haha. I wish it were as easy as flipping a coin. I loved NC sooo much, and it would be SOOO awesome to be near my great NC friends. Buttt..... my family is here. My childhood friends, my cozy home, my life.... it's all here. I swear I'm becoming less adventurous in my old age.... I used to take off and move places without even blinking. Now, I'm about to have a panic attack just writing about it!! ;-)
So, nothing deep or philosophical to talk about tonight. Just ramblings of a drunk girl. Thank god for spell check meow.
Time to take a melatonin and hope for sleep. I have SOOO much to do tomorrow, and I'm supposed to go tubing with the gang!
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