Yeah, I know I've been totally off the radar since returning from Cali. Sorry? I was in my own little world
In MY world..... I saw a career counselor yesterday. He was super fun and charming, but I'm not sure he gave me the most sound advice. He thinks I should follow my dreams and start a business. I just don't think its a good time to do that, the economy and all. In the future I will for sure, but I think it'd be a mistake to even apply for a small business loan right now. I need a business plan and all that jazz, before I get in over my head. He told me I'm never going to be a single career type of girl. He thinks I have many interests and I'm so busy in my mind that I will never be satisfied doing one thing for the rest of my life. I fully believe that. I want to explore the world, and maybe not literally this time.... I want to explore my own world. Until the economy is better I'm going to work, doing something I dont hate, and heavily research and make plans for my own business. It's well known you'll never really be wealthy working for someone else..... so, here's to doing something I love and getting stinking rich!! :-)
I feel focused, about life. I feel a sense of renewal. I feel like this is a new chapter, I'm just turning the page, about to write the first sentence. I'm excited. I had one of my "freak out" moments last week, about work, about my ex, about my friend, about my dad...... but looking back, I think I had it under control the whole time, I just needed that release. I needed to know I could freak out, and everything will still be ok. It is ok. I'm ok. Life is good.
"With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me if I calls her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?
There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?
Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home"
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