Monday, December 19, 2011


The weather has finally changed..... I miss the warmth of the sun.

You left my key on the kitchen table. I guess it's really over. Short but sweet, just the way I like it. No more empty threats. This is now officially our song.

Mister gave me the courage to open myself up again, and for that I must thank him.... even if it doesn't seem it will pan out. It's just amazing how far we've come, Mister. You broke my heart deeper than any other love.... you taught me the most.... and will forever be an important presence in my life. Thanks for always being there.... in so many ways. I love you so much!

I've started job hunting. I called my old boss (in tears, mind you) asking him to get me moved back to his office and for him to be my boss again. He is working on it, no promises. My office is so short staffed they aren't going to sign off for me to go back... I can see it now. *sigh* The grass is never greener and I should never believe people with a motive! Learned my lesson, blasted corporate america!

This would be a perfect opportunity to really pursue my dreams..... alas it's so scary out there! I'm sniffing around online for jobs, and trying not to let the travel bug bite me. I just bought a rockin vintage sofa and a giant flat screen TV, I'm kinda stuck here for a while. I can hopefully survive the corporate jungle for a little while longer. Maybe.

I'm having growing pains in life. I'm shedding some people and ideas that I've grown out of. It's for the best, really. I realized then, as I'm realizing now.... life is too short for anyone poisonous to be in it. Love begets love.

Jesse is still in the ICU..... but look, he is awake!! It's amazing what he has been through, and is still fighting like a champ. Man Vs. School bus..... the alpha wolf will win every time. While the docs won't tell us he is out of the woods, I have very good feelings he is going to be just fine. Life is full of miracles, you just have to know where to look.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh, Jesse....

This is my formal plea to you Jesse. I've gotta believe that somehow you hear us talking to you.... you hear us urging you to keep fighting. Today makes 11 days since your accident. We all miss you so much, please wake up and give us a sign you're going to be ok. We have so many adventures ahead of us.... so much rock band in our underwear to play.

V is bringing me your iPod and I'm gonna loan the Skyrim soundtrack on for you.... if that doesn't make you wake up I don't know what will.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

RIP Andres

May you rest in peace, Andres Romay.... and Happy Birthday. I hope you saw how many people showed up for your funeral last night.... you are so loved and so missed. You affected more lives than you'll ever know...

Monday, October 24, 2011

So busy!

I'm in week 4 of my 18 hour days. I am still working around 50 hours a week.... but now I'm in school full time as well.... for BAKING!! Weeee! I'm in a general culinary class right now, which is pretty cool. Our final exam is a gourmet 5 course meal. Fancy!! Next semester I get to start actually baking. I'm so excited. And exhausted.

Love yas.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year....

Happy October.

Life here is as status-quo as my life ever gets. Weekend outings with friends, work work work and all the other little odds and ends that make life so grand.

You know what's funny? When a girl doesn't want a guy until she sees another girl interested in him. It's like a child who throws a fit over a disregarded toy because someone else wanted it off the shelf. Well you know what? She'll tire of you again.... put you back on that shelf. You're going to regret the choices you made, mark my words.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Isn't summer over yet?!

I'd say I'm pretty lucky that life is continuing to get better by the day. A few rough days are sprinkled between the good.... but who am I to complain about that?! Things continue to be good and I'm grateful.

I had my last day at the Art Institute yesterday... and I'm really sad about it. Well, more like it's bittersweet. I'm staying with the same company, just moving to a different brand at a different office. I will surely miss the people I've spent so much time with over the past year (working in close quarters really bonds people!) but I'm also happy to be taking yet another step forward in this company. I interviewed 2 weeks ago and was told I wouldn't hear anything for at least a week... and then I got the offer like 5 hours later. They pretty much gave me everything I wanted without any hesitation. My reputation precedes me according to my boss. I like that! So, I did have some tears saying goodbye to my boss... he has been a wonderful mentor and really helped shaped who I am in this company, but I know I'll be much better off in my new spot. It will certainly make my life a lot easier!! This new spot has so many perks and resources that I've been wanting for months! Working with the military is A LOT of work and anything they can do to make is easier is much appreciated!

I had an easy week being that it was my last so I decided to take off a day and head out of town. Apparently I can't go more than 2 weeks without leaving town. We just had the "adult swim" weekend in Flagstaff 2 weeks ago (which was amazing of course)! I headed up to Jerome this time.... hadn't been there since before I left for Korea. Lots of drinking and sunshine and good food and fun! After Jerome we went up to Mary's in Flagstaff to spend the night. Mary decided on San Felipe's for dinner/drinks and we ended up winning a guitar... pretty good luck, eh? I was 3 hours late for work the next day but c'est la vie.... gotta live life to the fullest!

Yesterday my good friend Kat, her husband Joe and their son Colin came to town! They are staying with me (having a 2 year old in the house reminds me just how anal I am about picking everything up all the time!!) and it's a blast. Joe is testing with the Scottsdale PD so they are getting a feel for the city and checking things out. I got to introduce them to some good friends and we've had a blast so far. Joe is out meeting my uncle (police officer) right now and Kat just crashed for the day (she's pregnant and worn out!) so I'm enjoying a few quiet minutes to my self!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Life is kind of a blur right now. It's a mish-mosh of pools, BBQs, dance parties, road trips, new things and good friends.

Life is good. I can't complain.

School is hard. Work is stressful but I'm good at it.

My heart... is... something.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Redneck Retreat

July has proven to be as busy and June! We spent the first weekend (3 nights, 4 days) in Prescott to celebrate the 4th of July. A group of about 20 of us went to visit Teresa and Steve at their new pad! We made it a hot rod weekend and braved the heat and sun. The weather was beautiful up north and we even had some rain! There was the perfect amount of food, fun, music, beer, adventure, hiking, hauntings and cuddles. We ended up on Whiskey Row to do some dancing and gallivanting. The rodeo was in town so lets just say we attracted some peculiar looks!

The following weekend was an "in town" weekend, which have been fewer and farther between since it got hot out! I basically spent the entire weekend by the pool or in the pool at Mary's new house. We BBQed and stayed up late floating around. Went to a show and saw some old friends, but we quickly got sweaty (cruising in the T-bird) so we high tailed it to the grocery store for supplies then back in the pool! I love my friends... and I love that my friends have pools. After a nerve wracking week of wondering if the fella and I got wet spots on the unfinished wood floors we found out it was BEAR (Merritt's dog)!! Whew.... I was seriously thinking our B&E turned into destruction of private property haha. That's the last time I crawl through a window in my friends unoccupied house just so we can swim!

This weekend was spent in Flagstaff for the annual Redneck Weekend at Mary's flagstaff house. We ended up with 12 adults and 8 kiddos.... pretty good turnout despite some drama right before we took off. We are planning another redneck weekend for Aug so the people that missed out (or didn't want to chill with the kiddos) can come and partake. Weee! It was a perfect weekend of BBQing, cliff diving, bar crawling downtown, story time around the fire and shooting BIG guns! I shot a few for the first time..... including the 45 and the AK-47. It was a trip! I'm SO not happy to be back home, but kitty boy missed me. <3

Work is stressful as always.... this promotion is taking the life right out of my soul. I sat at my computer for 10.5 hours straight today. Kill me now!

I'm also in week 2 of SCHOOL. Yeah, I went back again. Weee. Wish me luck. It's hard.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Well, Hello. It's been a minute. Life has been super busy, per usual. I'm 27 now. Hard to believe I'm approaching 30..... eesh. Time flies. The past month has been extremely eventful! I spent 9 days in Toronto visiting all kinds of amazing friends and came home the evening before my birthday to be surprised by a dozen of my favorite people and an amazing Birthday dinner at Hula's Modern Tiki, one of my favorite spots! It was wonderful to be surrounded by so much love, but I ended up calling it an early night due to a day filled with travel. Monday (actual Birthday) Mister took me out for KOREAN FOOD! Om nom nom. We had been talking about getting Korean food for months now... and after sitting around for an hour not being able to figure out where I wanted to go Mister got the brilliant idea! Everything was SO delicious and I got to teach Mister a few Korean phrases and Korean drinking games. The night ended too soon (and with the obligatory birthday tears hahaha) but was one to remember. Tuesday night I got to catch up with the family and have a birthday dinner with them. We tried this new spot in the Scottsdale Quarter called "TK's Urban Tavern" and it was surprisingly delish! Wednesday night I did a little birthday thing with Meleah and the twinnies. It was awesome to catch up with them and we had a fun girly night of mani/pedi, hair bleaching and tweezing our brows!

An amazing Birthday week was followed up with yet another vacation! We took a girls trip to Long Beach for the 9th Annual Ink and Iron Festival. IT WAS SOOO FUNNNN!!!! 3 days of music (some bands I've waited years to see!) tattoos, hot rods, beaches, good food, the Queen Mary, and running amok!! We met up with one of the bands who mentioned ghost hunting after the festival was over. So, of course I jumped at the chance! We found some really cool stuff (don't mind breaking and entering into "off limits" areas) and I can't wait to see all the pics Mary took! It was pretty much the perfect vacation... just enough partying balanced by shopping, the beach and hanging with good friends! We stayed on the Queen Mary and other than Deisy getting seasick it was rad! I have some pics, just need to upload them when I've got the time.

So, after 3 weekends out of town I laid low this weekend. Mister and I did some work around his new place and then spent yesterday BBQing by the pool with the gang. It was pretty perfect and even though it's HOT I can't wait for more summer parties and BBQ's!

Life continues to be confusing and amazing. I can't complain.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Kitty Faces!

Life is good..... pretty status quo around here. The summer has started off much like every other.... bike rides, BBQs, pool parties and adventures. I can't complain about anything. I've been baking a lot.... chocolate covered cherry cupcakes featured below. The boy and I have been cooking a lot as well. I'm going to make a great wife... just sayin'.

Leaving on Saturday for Toronto. I can't wait. Vacations are my heroin. Funny thing is.... it will be exactly a year to the day that I was flying in from Korea when I get back from Toronto. Though it was another country, another lover.... seems like an eternity ago. I can't wrap my head around how much has changed in a year. For the better most certainly.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

my arcane glimpse of the universe

Sometimes I wonder if things are supposed to happen for a reason... I mean, I'm agnostic, but there has to be a greater force out there pushing things in directions with intention whether humans can comprehend it or not. If a butterfly flaps its wings and it causes a hurricane miles away, that i can understand. If some crazy old fart is sitting up in outer space wearing a toga and hitting people with lightning bolts, I find that a bit farfetched.

now that we're clear on that...

I have problems with indulgence. I have no self control. give me a big red button and tell me to stay away from it, and i will indubitably press it. Over and over. And over and over and over. I love doing what i'm not supposed to, especially when it involves knowledge. ah, the forbidden fruit. it tastes so good, but it gets you kicked out of eden. I love to learn things, regardless of whether it's going to harm me or help me. If it exists, i must know. I can't just play dumb and leave things alone. If there is a truth, I will seek it.

I'm also great at playing dumb. I know everything and I let people believe I know nothing, it's easier that way.

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

I know exactly who did it, what time it was, what they were wearing, the song they had stuck in their head, and their mother's maiden name and social security number and a sample of their urine stashed in the fridge for further analysis.

goddamnit, I miss you.

I will never forget that one night we laid out on my lawn trying to find the stars but we were too drunk to see straight. You knocked over our drinks and got a cigarette from my elderly neighbor. You may have offered her a cigar or a cocktail in exchange. I had cooked dinner and we slow danced in the kitchen. We were about to take a spontaneous road trip in search of Banksy but you reminded me I had to work. 12 hours later we took that trip anyway. You had made my bed.

Then it's a few weeks prior and it's freezing outside and we're on a road trip again... drunk because road beers in coffee mugs sounded like a good idea. I make you pull off the side of the highway because I can't hold it anymore and my feet are already wet from spilling beer all over the place. I cant tell if its pee or beer on my shoes but you get out of the car to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. we're walking down a hill with the dog and I can't see your face anymore.

I realize now that I'm so broken up because I have come to accept that no one I met before you and no one I will meet after you will ever compare. I had never felt so safe and trusting of someone in such a short amount of time. I never doubted you for a second, which is a first for me. No one will be as sophisticated in a non-sophisticated way, have the same taste in music, the same crazy hair that twirls perfectly around my finger, enjoy critiquing wine, or have the best dog in the world like you. No one will drive around with the windows down while taking photos of transvestite hookers before climbing a mountain and making me stand on the very tippy top without being afraid. You held my hand, the dog tried to push me off. No one will watch the lava lamp for hours after making love talking about nothing and everything and the mechanics of the lava. I can't replace what felt like perfection. I can only hope someday your memory will fade and someone else will distract me long enough to forget you for 5 minutes at a time. You're everything I wanted and I somehow fucked it up by not being enough.

I don't know what happened or why it did or how it got this bad, but all I can say is I have a universe of regret in my heart for everything you have put me through. everyone else probably deserves it to some degree but god, why me? I have never regretted anything in my entire life... but i regret everything that lead me to meeting you. I was sitting on the dryer the other night because I was cold, and i remembered that picture I took of you in my bed. and now that one song is playing.

when the weight is on your shoulders, come on your knees
wake me when it's over
wake me please
all the things you knew for sure were not what they seemed
when all the noise is gone
anything you want
i would give away
just to watch you go

It's so strange... listening to this song I feel that same pang of not knowing what is going to happen in 5 minutes or an hour or a week or a year, I remember all of that chapstick and the weird cat litter smells and my first encounters with the guy I can't let go of now. All it took was words to fucking start it and now it takes heartbreak to stop it. I can remember the first feeling of victory of saying no and feeling that fucking emptiness, the knife stabbing me in the stomach, beautiful exsanguinity. beautiful. beautiful.

riding low
riding low
(riding faster)

It has been months now, hasn't it? God it feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time.

I am the perfect girl.

I am the dancing queen.

I am everything you want.

I am sitting on the back of the couch in a cold sweat waiting for a cab to come.

The more I talk about it, the less I do control it

Then we are on the mountain up north and you're teaching me to snowboard. I'm nervous about disappointing you and anxious I'll kill myself in the process. You won't let me get discouraged and after a few spills (resulting in gnarly bruises) I actually get the hang of it and you take videos of me so it's all documented. We're on the ski lift and even though I'm soaked, cold and have to pee I'm more than happy that I took a day off work and took an adventure with you.

And now we're at the prom party. you and I are standing on the driveway being all chatty with everyone. You're there with me even though we've over and that confuses me more than anything. It's silly because everyone's so fucking bamford and we brought cupcakes so everyone loves us. You're talking about the guy in the nice jacket and i'm just trashed and someone is talking to me about how I can do better and I don't want to hear it. I come back and am talking about cars with someone and I am not overly concerned with anything with the status of my emotions (that's a counting crows lyric, btw). We're by the pond slow dancing on the bridge to music only you can hear (and try to hum) correcting what was wrong and now we're back in your apartment where it's warm even though it's warm outside because we're so drunk we can't feel anything anymore. We are numb and for a moment we have let go of everything and we know exactly where our shoes are. My dress is on the floor and we are asleep before the lava melts. All is right in my world for those 22 hours.

A few days later I'm dancing in the living room to a david bowie song and putting on makeup and he tells me I look gorgeous but I don't want to hear it. Then we're standing outside and I tried to run back in because that funny car was pulling around the corner and I thought we were both going to pee ourselves from shock and the ridiculousness of the whole situation. Sequence of events.

I gotta launder my karma.

Take a drag off of death.

You know this whole rambling started because I ate from the tree of knowledge. I know I shouldn't have, but I did, and there is nothing I can do to change that now. I can take what I've picked and do something with it, or I can dwell on what I cannot change. at one point today (i don't know if it was because I was extremely caffeinated and cracked out on some pills or what) I felt alive. ALIVE. I felt warm and could feel my own pulse and I felt like a human being again.

I wonder whatever happened to everyone?

well... no I don't.

some things are better left unknown.

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Enchantment Under The Sea"

After months of planning PROM has finally come and gone. Yes, I said prom! Mary had the awesome idea for Bryan's 40th and Kate's 30th Birthdays to have a huge joint party... which we decided to make into a prom. We all wore (mostly) vintage 50's dresses, had a swing band, 50's DJ, cheesy prom photographer with handmade backdrop... and even spiked punch (and a keg) haha. It was sooo fun and I'm glad it went off without a hitch. Mary is party planner of the year. The night ended with a stroll and a slow dance around Encanto park and was followed up by an impromptu pool party to finish the keg off. It was a perfect way to end a shitty week. Wee.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

M-i-s-s-y don't you love me?

I forgot to post this back when good ole Kurtis was trying to win me back via song and dance (and drunken crying voicemails).


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'm going to try and be better about updating. I want to having something to look back on and remember how I felt and what I thought. I've been a slacker. Life does that, I suppose. This is my first time touching my computer in over a week.... I'll blame it on my busy schedule. Laundry is drying, music is quietly playing in the background, the pup and cat both snuggled up sleeping.

I want to capture these first few months of a relationship and remember the excitement and the butterflies. I want to remember the utter calm in my life when he is around. I want to remember how it feels to believe what he tells me and never second guess him. I want to remember how patient he is with me when trying to teach me to snowboard hahaha!

We scooted out of town again last weekend. The snow is melting up in Flagstaff (and it already hit 100 in phoenix!) so we wanted to get one last snowboard run in.... not to mention we love staying with Mary and Bryan at the sweet Flag pad! Even though it was 3 days of snowboarding, hiking, cave exploring, fishing, cigars and wine by bon fires and of course great meals.... I think my favorite part of the weekend was Friday night, before we even left. The breeze was coming in through the screen door, candles were still glowing on the dinner table, wine was being consumed all too easily, dinner had been finished and tequila shots were being poured. He had just finished washing dishes and I was wrapping up leftovers. We had pandora going during dinner but somehow salsa music came on. Considering we were having a "tequila night" we found it ironic and perfect. He grabbed me and we started to salsa dance around the kitchen. The laughter and the fact we had no idea what we were doing made it perfect. We took to dancing outside and soon ended up with a blanket under the stars sharing funny stories while tossing the ball for the pup. Those few hours were something magical and I hope I never forget it.

I love having someone around to push me to do great things. I put in my resume for management because he believes I'm good enough to get the job. I learned to snowboard and actually figured it out because he had a feeling I'd love it. I climbed every single mountain in Phoenix because he wanted me to see the views. I am doing a 30 day yoga challenge because he knows how much I love yoga and wants to do it with me. I learned to cook new foods and smoke cigars because it's something fun we can share. I'm so used to being the person in a relationship trying to pull the other person out of their shell and into my world that I forgot how mesmerizing it is to be the one exploring new things.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Snowboarding and girly retreats! weee!!

Went up north to my family cabin with 7 of my best girlfriends this weekend. I wouldn't trade them for the world. Such good times were had by us all and fond memories were made. Games, fires, movies, cooking, cocktails, mountains, nail painting, hair doing, chit chatting, story telling..... and HUGS!!! Best weekend with my ladies EVERRRR!

So we came home Sunday night and had a big BBQ with the fellas (they missed us terribly and nearly starved) and my fella and I decided on a whim (my favorite) to take off and go snowboarding. I've been talking a big game about being willing to learn to snowboard.... it was time to step up to the plate! We drove up and stayed at Mary and Bryan's house then hit the mountain early in the morning. I knew he was pro-level good but I was utterly blown away by his ability. I see why he craves it. I, on the other hand, sucked pretttttty badly at first. I was pretty shocked that I ended up getting and having a lot of fun by the end of the day. I had some pretty wicked crashes and my entire body is sore and bruised today. Ouch. So worth the pain. Can't wait to go again with him next week!

Oh, and this one is from the Dice Magazine party.... so fun!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

You can be anywhere when your life begins, when the future opens up in front of you, and you may not even realize it at first, but its already happening.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sofa king happy

I can't remember a time I was more hopeful for my own future. Things are better than I could hope for. I've got the best guy in the world (and his pup) by my side, the best friends a girl could ask for, and a family that is stronger and more supportive than ever.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How time flies....

Has it really been 3 months since I've updated?? That must be some kind of record. Well..... I haven't been quiet because there is nothing to write about, thats for sure. It's just hard to get all my thoughts into one streamlined story.

The Holidays were great. I got to spend a lot of quality time with friends and family. I got some amazing gifts and gave a few as well.

January was fairly eventful and ended with a trip to Jamaica! Weeee! I got to take a nice little vacation with Jessica and Thomas. We had an AMAZING time! We spent most of the time on the beach or by the pool.... but we made time for shopping, visiting a haunted plantation, and of course nice meals and cocktails in the evening.

Apparently cooking someone dinner on Valentiens day is easily misconstrued as a date, so I've been labeled the bad guy there as well for "leading him on." What??? We were just friends.... always friends!!! He thinks we connect on a deep and spiritual level and hates me for "denying there is something special." The only thing that was special was the jamaicain rum we poured down our throats. He showed up at our bowling league (uninvited!) and ended up dropping his pants in the middle of the bowling alley to show some people his newly tattooed knees. WHO DOES THAT??? I was mortified. Mind you the dude is about 80% covered in Aaron Coleman tattoos, which is awesome..... but who drops trouser in the middle of a bowling alley? He is a painter..... I'm blaming it on the "I'm an artist, I do what I want" mentality.

So. There you have it...... work is great, house is coming together finally, love life is wacky as ever. Story of my life!

Oh! I almost forgot! Last weekend I went on a trip with 32 friends! We took the hot rods to Lake Havasu City for the rockabilly reunion. It was 3 days of music, shopping, carnie rides, cars, and booze! We all had an awesome time. I can't wait for Viva Las Vegas in april!! Then Ink and Iron for my birthday! It just so happens that the biggest car/tattoo shows of the year happen to fall on Deisy, Kate, and my birthdays this year, Weeeee, excuses to go and get crazy! Here are a few pics of Jamaica and the Rockabilly Reunion...... one of my new hair as well! Enjoy!