Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

breaking the curse of bad halloweens....

phase 1 of Halloween weekend is over. Thank goodness. I'm trying to make this year awesome to make up for the last SIX bad halloweens I've had. So far so good...... gonna post pics of phase 1 and then phase 2 will come later.

And maybe a photo or two from the fashion show last weekend. And our sparkler pumpkin carving BBQ.

Is it bad I'm too lazy to post real blog entries lately? I feel too tired after work, too tired after partying on weekends, and too unmotivated to have creative thoughts. I do have a few blog topics floating around in my head from a while back, so I'm going to make a real effort to blog about them! Maybe from work if I ever get a quiet moment.

Monday, October 25, 2010

mister pee pee pants

This weekend was all about haunted houses, fashion shows, riding in hot rods, fun dates, carving pumpkins, drinking PBR in Paranormal Activity 2, flying helicopters, kittens, haircuts, BBQing, and kisses.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

my life is like a chick flick?

I'm so smitten I can't see straight. I'm still unsure if it will solidify into something real, but I'm basking in the glow of it anyway. It's 5 years in the making, and will either be "the one" or end horribly, but I don't care.... sometimes you gotta risk big to win big. But.... is it worth all the emotional gambling (and gambling with mutual friendships) when there is one fatal flaw? While I was in Korea he promised to take me on our first "real" date if we were both single when I got back.... and for the first time since we met 5 years ago we are both single. Little did I know our first date would last 72 hours (God bless 3 day weekends) and leave me feeling so..... excited and anxious. I can't post about it on FB because we've decided some of our mutual friends don't need to know yet.... gossipy MFers! Sooo those of you who follow me in FB as well, don't say anything! If I end up with the dude I wanted to end up with years ago my life will officially be a chick flick.

Here are a few pics from my best weekend back in AZ yet! We decided it was a "staycation" since I didn't get back home for 3 days haha. It was full of concerts, patio cocktails, BBQs, bar openings, hot rods, brother husbands, sister wives, and my BEST friends <3

me and kate with our homie Jay Bird....

we were on a boat!

Hooray boobies!!

the whole gang at Teakwoods to see a show

kate and deisy... we cooked up a giant feast for the boys!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tour de Fat

Another amazing year at Tour de Fat. I was super bummed that this event was the same day as my brothers wedding last year.... so even though I was in town I still missed it! Butttt I made up for it and drank an extra beer and peddled my bike extra hard, haha. The ride was good, I think the news said there were about 10k bikes this year. The party seemed more tame than years past, but I was busy catching up with my friends so I didn't care. After we got sweaty standing around in the sun for hours, we went to Casey Moores for some refreshments. Caseys then led to going to Sail Inn to see Rev Peyton and the Big Damn Band. SOOO good. They never disappoint. I was sunburned and exhausted by the end of the day (and then had to help Becca move today!) but it was a weekend well done. I'm sore and happy.... thats how all the best weekends end.

And I'm sure you'll all think I'm a crazy girl for saying this after all the bitching I've done.... but going to Sail Inn made me miss my ex. That's where we met. I'm sure it'll pass.... but a mixture of that and gathering up pictures from our travels to send him just made me nostalgic. I ran into some girls this weekend I haven't seen in a while and they asked me about him. Everyone says how much better off I am without him and they are happy I'm "getting back out there".... but I still wonder if it's true I guess. I smile and nod, but the tiniest part of my heart still doesn't want to let it all go. Some wounds can only be healed by time. A broken heart is unfortunately one of those wounds. But, each passing week I'll think of him less, miss him less, and look toward the future more. I'm young.... the guy I'm waiting for is still out there.... even though I thought I had already found him.

And now... some pictures from the weekend. Maybe a video, too.

Monday, October 4, 2010

new meaning to sunshine...

So, I was posting the lyrics to "You are my sunshine" on my friends facebook. I had a feeling there was another verse, so I googled it. This is what I came up with:

I'll always love you
And make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me
To love another
You'll regret it all some day;

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

You told me once, dear
You really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me
And love another
You have shattered all my dreams.

Gives the song a whole new meaning, eh??
Crazy town.

We went to the asian market yesterday. Korean food is a goal for this week.

I also bought a tiny hat. Look forward to those pics.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A moment in time...

It's been a while since I put pics up.... so here are a few from the past month or so! These are from: Tortoise rescue, Cali trip, Space Age Cafe, Dive bar hopping, golfing, and Oktoberfest!