Sunday, August 2, 2009

easy like sunday morning...

Main drag at night Pictures, Images and PhotosLife is pretty good. Haven't been home in like a week, hence the lack of blogging. Plans are still moving forward with korea. I have been talking to my friend that is already there and she is getting me excited about the possibilities. I feel like I'm in a sort of limbo though... Which sucks. I have to kill three months before we are leaving.. It seems like such wasted time. I'm bored, I guess. Meh.

Have I mentioned I loathe my new job? I think that's why I'm so anxious to leave. I don't really want to get another new job just to quit in 2 months... But I hate working where I am... Ick!

Also, things are going pretty well with the boy. My mom thinks since the good outweighs the bad right now I should just let it ride. I'm feeling that feeling again that things aren't right though. Certain things just don't add up. Maybe I'm just having trust issues... Who knows. Time will tell, but I hope it tells soon considering I'm thinking about moving in with him... And moving across the world.

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