Monday, March 22, 2010

In your!

It seems like everyone is in such a rush to get to the next milestone in their life.

I have so many friends who are getting engaged, getting married, having babies, graduating college, changing careers, and moving new places. I think the life changes of others feels so "in your face" because of Twitter, myspace, facebook, email, IM, text...etc. Ten years ago the average person wouldn't know which of their high school friends were married or having babies. Even five years ago we wouldn't be exposed to our ex-neighbors new engagement ring and baby bump. Has this constant status updated world changed the race towards the next goal?

Instead of competing with our small circle of friends for getting engaged or having a baby, now we must compete with 500 of our closest Facebook friends. Why has it become a constant barrage of "LOOK AT ME! LOOK WHAT I'M DOING NOW!!"?

I enjoy sharing and hearing good news as much as the next person, it warms my mushy little soul.... but sometimes it makes me want to hack off half my friends lists so I can get away from all the pictures of new babies and new jobs.

Am I just jealous that I'm coming up on 26, with no real career... no engagement in sight, and certainly no babies anytime in the foreseeable future? I hope I'm not. I guess I'm not really sure. I'm just tired of being so dialed in, but way too addicted to step away and let life (and facebook) run their course without me peeping in to see what the news is.


Sarah Bush said...

I can relate....

Personally I'm always super happy to hear about marriages and babies, but what puts me off is people's willingness to share personal financial information. Since when is it appropriate to tell Facebook how much your tax return was!? Not only that, but people also feel the need to tell the world every time they buy something new. I understand wanting to share the excitement of a new house or a new car (because that stuff is a big deal), but I don't need to know that someone just bought their 6th new smart phone or bought another designer handbag/outfit/pair of shoes.

THAT to me screams competition and "look what I have that you don't"! In my opinion, those posts are made because people are insecure and they want validation and reassurance that their stuff is cool and everyone is jealous. =/

Sarah Bush said...

Oh and you should totally post this on Facebook, lol!

missylovesyou said...

Yeah Sarah, the "look what I bought" version of the competition is just as bad.
I believe there is a difference between "check out my new car, finally got rid of that other clunker.. so excited!" and "Here is my new car, it's only a BMW... maybe next time I can get the Bentley"


and ANOTHER friend posted a picture of a clear-blue easy pregnancy test yesterday.... really?!?!